
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Home sweet home

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Home. What do we think of when we think of a home? A roof, four walls, windows and a door, right? Ask a child to draw a home, and in most cases, that's what you'll get. But is that really the essence of a home, or is it a lot more than that?

Good afternoon parents, teachers, fellow students and all our guests. Today I will be talking about the topic of 'Home Sweet Home.'

Australia that's my 'home sweet home.' Definitely a lot more than just a roof, four walls, windows and a door. It is also home to many people of different nationalities and cultures. A place where the 'lucky' people of the world can call their home. Australia is a place where you can feel safe, where you have the freedom to pursue all your goals, and where the people and communities are made up of a diverse range of different cultures and backgrounds. We are all lucky to call Australia our home sweet home.

Is it any wonder that so many people around the world would also want to call Australia their home?Order custom research paper on home sweet home

Many people such as asylum seekers and immigrants are all examples of individuals and families who seek a new and better life. We take it for granted that we actually have a place where we can fulfil our basic needs, as well as be surrounded by the special people in our lives who make the places we live in, our homes. We'd like to think that everyone has a good home, just like us. That no one goes without. But unfortunately, this is not the case. Not everybody has a place to call home, let alone a home sweet home.

Think of all the asylum seekers. These are people whose native countries have been ruined because of the devastation and destruction of war. Millions of people have lost their homes and family members due to the conflicting views of the nations politicians, militia or religious leaders. And because of this devastation, they are forced to flee their countries, in order to save their lives. Their families have been broken as a result of war, and they no longer feel the safety and security which all individuals have a right to.

These asylum seekers must travel the seas, to look for a refuge, a place of safety a new residence away from the harsh environment they once used to call home. A place where they don't have to wonder whether they will see their family and friends the next day, or wonder what dangers are lurking behind the next corner.

We are extremely fortunate in Australia. We don't have wars taking place on our soil, we don't experience the terror of living under an oppressive government, and so far, our country has not been torn apart by racial ideologies or religious differences. That is why our country is so great - why asylum seekers come to Australia in the hope of making this nation their new home away from the oppression they face in their native countries.

We have to understand that what we have as a nation is not what all people around the world experience. We take it for granted that we have shelter, food, clothing to provide all of our basic necessities, a peaceful homeland, as well as people who support and care for us. No wonder people everywhere look upon us as the lucky nation, because we are. How can we not understand why many desire these fortunate circumstances for themselves and their families too? Who could blame them? We don't have the worries of living in a country of war. We don't have to be concerned that a bomb will be dropped on our house tomorrow, or that the next time we turn our street corner, we'll get shot by the militia. Australia is a country of peace and harmony, free of combat and warfare. It is a country which we can be proud to call home.

Immigrants. These are people who long for a better and brighter future for them and their children, who come to Australia in order to fulfil this dream. Unlike asylum seekers, immigrants actually do have former residences, many in peaceful countries. However they still choose to move to Australia, because of the opportunities and prospects this nation has to offer. Australia is a land where people can raise their children, provide them with a good education and a brighter future. A place where there is access to health, community services, sanitation, clean water and waste disposal. Where there is provision of law and order and control of crime. Job opportunities and high wages are available to ensure that families attain a decent standard of living. It is a country where we have the freedom to make our own choices, where we have the opportunity to pursue all our goals.

Ladies and gentlemen, the list goes on and on. This is Australia a great nation, a great system of living, a very sweet home.

It is no wonder that so many people from all around the world wish to come to our nation in the hope of attaining security, a healthy standard of living and freedom of choice. Our country is filled with such great opportunities. But not only does our country provide these benefits, the Australian people also have a strong sense of friendliness and affability. It is a place where the people have a kind and easy-going nature, and where it is easy to find friends wherever we go. It is also a unique blend of people from various nations who live together side by side in harmony. With this sense of multiculturalism, we are constantly learning from each other and becoming better people because of it. Everybody has a place here, everybody can call Australia their home.

It is here, in my home, that I feel my best. Australia- the lucky country. A country where we are safe from the ravages of war, where we have unlimited opportunities to pursue our goals and where we have a unique blend of people from different cultures who we can call our friends. No wonder I am proud to call Australia my home.

There is no denying that it is more than a roof, four walls, windows and a door. It is my home sweet home.

Please note that this sample paper on home sweet home is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on home sweet home, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on home sweet home will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!