
Friday, May 28, 2021

Corporal Punishment

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Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Corporal Punishment, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Corporal Punishment paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!


Corporal punishment refers to intentional application

of physical pain as a method of changing behavior

[1]. It includes a wide variety of methods such as

Order custom research paper on Corporal Punishment

hitting, slapping, spanking, punching, kicking,

pinching, shaking, shoving, choking, use of various

objects (wooden paddles, belts, sticks, pins, or others),

painful body postures (as placing in closed

spaces), use of electric shock, use of excessive exercise

drills, or prevention of urine or stool elimination

[,]. Corporal punishment in schools does not refer

to the occasional need of a school official to restrain

a dangerous student or use physical force as a means

of protecting members of the school community

subject to imminent danger.

Teachers can learn sound blueprints regarding

student motivation and nonviolent techniques

classroom control. It is critical to present educational

material that is stimulating to the pupils and

aimed at their ability levels. Some students may

benefit from alternative academic courses, and these

should be offered. Students, as well as their parents,

should be carefully involved in decision-making

about school issues affecting them, including educational

goals and disciplinary rules. Schools should

have peer support programs that utilize techniques

such as Rap Groups and Sociodrama to encourage

acceptable behavior. Furthermore, some evidence

suggests that student self-governance offers an alternative

means for constructive management of selected

problem behaviors in the classroom .

general, the lack of parental involvement in the

education of their children is cited by teachers as one

the main causes for current classroom disciplinary

difficulty .

It is critical that our teachers receive

support and training as possible in

maintain effective classroom control without resorting

to violent techniques. Such training include

instructions on the deleterious short- longterm

consequences of corporal punishment.

should have an ample supply of counselors, especially

for younger children. Also, schools

have in-school suspension facilities for requiring

such measures. Schools' policies

allow for a wide variety of teaching and

methods that de-emphasize the necessity

punishment. The input of parents

into such policies is critical to its overall

effective relationship must be developed

school officials, parents, and students

sensible rules that have appropriate

when infractions inevitably occur.

Much can be done at local and

advocate the ban of corporal punishment

Various court rulings have noted that punishment

in schools is an issue that can

state law and/or local district policies.

can join various groups to evaluate

state climates in this regard . Banning

punishment at the local level has

various effective strategies, such as civil

local schools using corporal punishment,

publicity about such schools, and

computerized corporal punishment

schools. There is evidence that public

gathering against such punishment. A

Alternatives to Corporal Punishment

important technique in maintaining classroom

control is to develop a milieu of effective communication,

in which the teacher displays an attitude

respect for the students. School officials can exhibit

cordiality to students and an attitude that they

generally enjoy working with children in the academic

setting. Students must be taught in an environment

that clearly states they are valued and

understood. The emphasis is on positive educational

exchanges between teachers and students, not futile,

contentious, winlose contests.

Please note that this sample paper on Corporal Punishment is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Corporal Punishment, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Corporal Punishment will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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