Showing posts with label Essay Samples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay Samples. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2021

Ubran sprawl

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ubran sprawl. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ubran sprawl paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ubran sprawl, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ubran sprawl paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

"What Will it Take to Halt Sprawl"

Article By Molly OMeara Sheehan

The article What Will it Take to Halt Sprawl deals with three cities in different parts of the world that have had problems with urban sprawl in their societies. The three cities are Washington D.C. of the USA, Santiago in Chile, and Prague in the Czech Republic. They all come from very different backgrounds and have different situations which their people live daily life. The article tries to raise the awareness of the problems that urbanization can cause to the environment and to the people who live in it. The three cities that were focused on in this article are ones that can make a difference in our world. Basically, personal examples of national capital cities can cause a change in the way the rest of the world lives. Buy custom ubran sprawl term paper

The United States as well as Washington leads the world in sprawling development. In the early to mid 100's Washington's population boomed significantly as it built it up to over 1 million then to over million people. As the population built up, the metropolitan area grew even faster. The National Interstate and Defense Highway System Act of 156 launched highway building across the country with the goal of travel between cities, which resulted in more paved roads in between cities. Also because of the U.S. push for more affordable housing it too spread out the cities development. Washington's first attempt to limit the city's expansion was in 160, when they wanted a regional transportation system of railways. They wanted a combination of rail and roads, but it took forever for the metro underground to be built. As a result all the basic structure of roads had all ready been built. Until 000, the metropolitan population rose to nearly 5 million people, and the amount of land grew to more than ,500 square kilometers. Washington's difficulties in stopping sprawl starts with its lack of regional cooperation. It is between Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. The individual counties must compete for the limited funds. In an effort to shift people from cars to transit, D.C. council passed a $1 per day parking fee in 14, but after Congress threatened to veto it, the city decided not to enforce it. The 10 Clean Air Act amendments require all U.S. metropolitan areas to meet standards for air quality or risk losing federal transportation funds.

The 11 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act made it easier for regions to use federal funds for transit, or bicycles. Both of these two laws that were created made it easier for the public to become aware of the link between transportation policy and air pollution. Washington was in need of installing cleaner polluting buses, because of the poor air quality. It required $50 million to take measures. An organization called the Coalition for Smarter Growth was created to begin acting locally on the problems that face Washington. For example, construction in the Gallery Place Metro station, which had been vacant shows how land can be redeveloped into lively housing, stores, and offices all within walking distance of the station. They figured instead of spending money on new schools in newer areas, they should rebuild and spend money on existing schools. Improving existing schools jumped from 4 percent in 15 to 84 percent in 18. A better mix of housing for different income levels would help reduce travel. The people who have to travel a long way to fill lower paying jobs in wealthy areas would be filled in by people if there could be mixed housing. Washington now realizes that building on previously used lands is a better way to become pedestrian friendly and decrease the use of pollution.

During the Industrial Revolution as factories were built to take advantage of nearby mines and ironworks, the first railway was built in 145 in Prague, Czech Republic. The city grew in both population and land area to about 1 million people by World War II. Prague remained relatively small and compact while Washington and Santiago were booming, because of the communist rule during the time. After the communist rule was lifted, foreign investors rushed to Prague's newly free markets because of its educated workforce. It entered the industrial nations club, and as a prospective member it is receiving aid to improve long-distance transportation links. Its short distance urban transport is declining and most of the money that is received by the city goes to outlying locations not easily reached by public transport. They have begun to build large supermarkets in urban areas, in 17 they had 1 and in 000 they have 5. They are not doing anything for the development in central Prague as more than 1,000 hectares of abandoned industrial sites or brownfields now exist as holes in the fabric of central Prague.

In April 001, an anti-sprawl campaign brought foreign experts on brownfields redevelopment together with local developers and officials. Developers are afraid of buildings on abandoned industrial sites because they know they are polluted. Governments are changing the tax code to make the cost of cleanup deductible for them. An ITDP (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy) campaign targets both governments and companies to more responsibly develop Prague. It sees that the Czech's could more responsibly control land development. As well, consumer pressure could coax the retail industry into considering the environmental implications of the store. It wants to take a lead in committing to locating a certain percentage of stores in more central locations, and improving non-automotive access of existing stores. Prague has entered a regional government which is suppose to prepare regional plans for transportation and set aside areas to be protected as open space.

Santiago, the capital of Chile was too like Washington where its consumption of land outpaced population growth. Earlier on some of the sprawl was caused by unintended results. The socialist government passed a law which enabled poor farmers to own land by making it easier to subdivide large rural tracts into very small lots. The result was that developers snapped up these parcels of land on the city's fringe to build houses. With a military government in the 170's they evicted poor people from the city's core and sent them outwards. There were large tracts of agricultural land in the southern part of the metropolitan area. By 10 Santiago used less than half the urbanized land that Washington, D.C. did, yet they continued sprawl. The government listened to the investors that wanted to expand their land and profits instead of what was best for the people. The region was divided into too many jurisdictions and could not make common decisions amongst each other, basically management chaos of the area.

Santiago has a clash of groups between the SECTRA who believe in public transportation and the MOP who promote highway projects. The problem occurs that the MOP has all the money and is spending it on highway projects. When the national government wanted to build a major highway running through many people's houses they created a group called the Ciudad Viva, or Living City. In the process of fighting against the highway they also began to fight for alternatives such as improved public transportation, and better facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians. Also the Ciclistas Furiosos formed a group, which would take to the streets the first Tuesday of every month to dramatize means of personal transport. Ciudad Viva is like Washinton's Coalition for Smart Growth. They point out that only 0 percent of the people in Santiago can afford to commute by car so it would benefit the government to shift some of the space used by cars to the express of public busways. Yet the citizen activism has produced limited results, although it has increased the speed the traffic flow with the added bus lanes. The activist groups claim that they will continue to work on helping to stop sprawl and help the environment.

Washington, Santiago, and Prague are all very different situations but I feel that they can all be helped in the same type of manner. I feel that what many of the organizations in different countries are doing the right thing by trying to make a change. Looking at it now makes it seem like it will be very difficult in the future to stop the expansion and sprawl of cities. Although, what it takes is a complete and full effort by us, the people to try to help a solution. I think that the only way to prevent pollution and create more public transportation is to get the public informed on the issues and once they are informed they can be supportive of achieving new solutions. Changing companies or investors is not going to work, but governments will eventually listen if the people all unite and force a change, even if it means restructuring how the government operates or the people in control. In many cases it is too hard or expensive to make total changes to the programs that a city takes. Although, people themselves can make a conscious choice to help out the environment and contribute to the worlds best interests. The governments in the cities within this article are not putting the funds into the right parts of society resulting in these issues. They are building outwards when they could be helping to rebuild the central part. This will not only help transportation but the poor as well. I feel that the way for the world to make a change in urban sprawl is to have personal examples of cities that made sacrifices in their own, showing it can be done and it is a just cause. Without someone starting to take action others will most likely not follow, but with an example to follow they could see the prospects of a bright future and want to be like that. I feel this is the only way for us to make a difference in todays growing world.

Please note that this sample paper on ubran sprawl is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ubran sprawl, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on ubran sprawl will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future paper at affordable prices with custom writing service!

bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future

Through out the years of human existence there have always been issues that come from the study of science and technology. The human race has to make important decision about these issues. The ways these decisions have been made through the years has varied. The two English writers, Francis Bacon and Jonathan Swift, discussed some of these issues. Bacon¡¦s approach to discussing these problems was through a very structured method. He did this in his essay Ovum Organism where he describes the four idols of the humanity. On the other hand, Swift used satire to illustrate his views by story form. Gulliver¡¦s Travels is a story by Swift that discusses his political views and social views.

The Four Idols discussed by Francis Bacon in his essay Ovum Organism are Tribe, Cave, Market, and Theater. The ¡§Idols of the Tribe¡¨ hinder people¡¦s understanding because of human nature. Some examples of this are people trying to make things fit into patterns, looking for evidence to support their conclusions, having trouble conceiving of the finite or infinity, are affected by what they want to believe, having since fool them, and lacking to generalize or be abstract. The ¡§Idols of the Cave¡¨ hinder people¡¦s understanding because of individual shortcomings. Four individual shortcomings are favoring ideas that support previous conclusions, differences or similarities, antiquity or novelty, the part to the exclusion of the whole and vice versa. The third, the ¡§Idols of the Marketplace¡¨ hinders people¡¦s understanding because of words. This idol comes from people imagining and naming things that do not exist and giving multi-meaning of one word. The last of Bacon¡¦s idols is the ¡§Idols of the Theater,¡¨ which hindering understanding based on a system of philosophy, theology, or tradition (Points Made by Francis Bacon in The Four Idols). Bacon¡¦s writing is very organized and step format. He goes through each point in detail before moving on to the next point. This structure is seen in his creating of the Scientific Method, which he developed. The Scientific Method is a general set of steps that direct scientist in their approach to their studies.

Jonathan Swift¡¦s Gulliver¡¦s Travels is a story about a surgeon, named Gulliver, who takes voyages all over the world. Every voyage results in him being shipwrecked or banished and abandon. He makes it safely to land; however, the islands that he seeks refuge on have never been explored before. Each of the islands is unique. On the island of Lilliput, the people are really small, so Gulliver is a giant to them. On another island he comes across, he is the small one compared to the natives. He, also, is picked up by the floating island of Laputa this island was full of intellectual people. All they do throughout the day is to calculate, philosophy, and debate one another. Their whole existence is focused on intellectual thought and they therefore do not leave room to have any realistic or practical knowledge. The last journey Gulliver makes, he is abandoned on an island where horses have reason and the human like creature have no reason. The horses called Houyhnhnms live on the island in a utopian society. Gulliver learns to love the Houyhnhnms and despised the human-like creature called Yahoo. Custom Essays on Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future

Francis Bacon¡¦s The Four Idols refer to the flaws in human nature, which keeps mankind from becoming a perfect society. These flaws of not understanding ourselves, personal shortcomings, and miscommunication affect in every aspect of the human society (Points Made by Francis Bacon in The Four Idols). Because of these flaws, humans will never be able to perform or understand science and technology completely. Bacon is writing his essay as a scientist. He see the corruption of science of his day and sees how it will carry on through the years to come. Bacon uses his understanding of the problems that he recorded in The Four Idols to come up with a systematic way of studding science. This systematic way of studying science later became know as the Scientific Method. In his Scientific Method he sets up an order of operations that should be taken to get correct data and results from research. While the Scientific Method is pacific to science and technology, Bacon¡¦s Four Idols deal with every aspect of human life. In both cases Bacon presents the problems and resolutions straight forwardly and for this reason his writings are still being used today.

Jonathan Swift¡¦s Gulliver¡¦s Travels, also, discusses the problems that are common in human culture. Just as Bacon¡¦s works can be pacific for science and technology, part of Swift¡¦s Gulliver¡¦s Travels focus on those same issues. He uses a story swamped with satire to show his point of view. Each of the travels that Gulliver takes focuses on different important problems Swift saw in the England during his life. However, these issues are still true and evident in the world today. Swift deals with the political problems along with science and technology. The voyage where Gulliver is picked up by the floating Island is Swift¡¦s strongest satire against a sole abstract world, which included mathematics, philosophy, and other sciences. The Laputans represent a society that is based on abstract idealism. Although the Laputans can derive anything on paper, they have no practical skills. Swift describes this best

Their houses are very ill built, the walls bevil, without one right angle in any apartment; and this defect ariseth from the contempt they bear for practical geometry; which they despise as vulgar and mechanic, those instructions they give being too refined for the intellectuals of their workmen; which occasions perpetual mistakes. And although they are dextrous enough upon a piece of paper, in the management of the rule, the pencil, and the divider, yet in the common actions and behavior of life I have not seen a more clumsy, awkward, and up handy people, nor so slow and perplexed in their conceptions upon all other subjects, except those of mathematics and music. They are very bad reasoners, and vehemently given to opposition, unless when they happen to be of the right opinion, which is seldom their case. Imagination, fancy, and invention, they are wholly strangers to, nor have any words in their language by which those ideals can be expressed; the whole compass of their thoughts and mind being shut up within the two forementioned sciences. (Swift 418)

After showing this extreme, Swift shows the extreme in the other direction. The next journey Gulliver takes, he finds himself on an island with horses that have the capability to think and reason. The horses called Houyhnhnms represent another extreme in human culture that we can shift toward. This one extreme is of total reason. While being able to reason these horses have no idea of desiring. F. R. Leavis in ¡§The Irony of Swift¡¨ says ¡§Swift did his best for the Houyhnhnms, and they have all the reason, but the Yahoos have all the life¡¨(Jonathan Swift, Gulliver¡¦s Travels ). An example of this is in the marriage rituals of the Houyhnhnms.

Courtship, love, presents, jointures, settlement, have no place in their thoughts, or terms whereby to express them in their language. The young couple meet and are joined, merely because it is the deternination of their parents and friends;¡KBut the violation of marriage, or any other unchastity, was never heard of; and the married pair pass their lives with the same friendship and mutual benevolence that they bear to all others of the same species who come in their way, without jealousy, fondness quarreling, or discontent. (Swift 456)

Swift view humans as being like the Houyhnhnms if human throw out science and technology and ignore the part of our minds that give people creativity. If people do this, we will become dull logical people. Although Swift prefers this extreme over the other he see that it is not good either.

Although Francis Bacon and Jonathan Swift writing are totally different they both make similar stances on the modern issues about science and technology. Bacon sets up a structure that is an aid to people. His aid helps people realize the problems early and gives them a way to deal with them. On the other hand, Swift uses satire to make it obvious of the dangers of these issues not being resolved correctly. Both Bacon and Swift saw the importance of having a balance in society. They realized that there are many dangers and troubles that come from becoming totally focused in any one field, especially as a whole society. The things they discussed and the way they dill with it is still being used today in our issues with science and technology. They saw the problems of their day and saw that they would not change but increase in magnitude over the years. They made their writings capable of being used throughout the years.

Work Cited

Bacon, Francis. ¡§Novum Organum.¡¨ The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed.

M. H. Abrams. 1 vols. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 000. 1544-1548.

¡§Jonathan Swift, Gulliver¡¦s Travels.¡¨ School of English Honours Module EN0

Eighteenth-Century Poetry and Prose. 0 Nov. 001. http//www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~www_se/personal/cjmm/Gtoutline.html.

¡§Points Made By Francis Bacon in The Four Idols¡¨. (18). 0 Nov. 001.


Swift, Jonathan. ¡§Gulliver¡¦s Travels.¡¨ The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed.

M. H. Abrams. 1 vols. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 000. 1544-1548.

Please note that this sample paper on Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Bacon and Swift Preparing for the Future will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 12, 2021

Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues paper at affordable prices!

In the last century, it is well recognized that Australia in the post-war period has received an impressive diversity of immigrants from a multitude of nations. People from all over the globe have settled onto Australian shores bringing with them, their life experiences. Due to these facts, Australia is known to be a multicultural society; very diverse in ethnicity, culture, age, gender, race and class. Religion has been one important variety which immigrants have brought with them; however it has been very evident through my own findings, that religion is less widely part of research and informed discussion. As described by (Mosques and Muslim Settlement in Australia, pp.iii, 14) the role of religion in settlement, and the experiences of those professing a faith different from the majority of other members of Australian society, is relatively neglected in literature and immigration research.

shows that nearly 1percent of the Australian population indicates Islam as their religion. As part of my report, I have chosen to focus on religion, Islam in particular, and using local examples I will discuss how decision-makers work with communities in relation to religion, and provide examples where the values of different community groups living in the same area have come into conflict.

Whilst trying to gather relevant information on this topic of religion, and Islam in particular, it was very interesting to find that there was very little information or content relevant to this topic in the local councils policies or files. Although many of its planning permits regarding sensitive religious issues such as Muslims being able to access mosques at very early times during Ramadan are catered for, there is no real process in which such situations are dealt through.

When asked, if there were any objections to the proposal of a mosque in a residential area, there were no such evidence of any. The local town planner, , said the proposals for all types of places of worship all followed the same framework, and there were no specifics for different religions. However, as stated earlier, due to being a large Muslim community, the proposal for the mosque was pushed through. Although it is important for those involved with working with diverse communities to encourage Australians to express, share and value one another's cultural heritage, sometimes they may do more harm in doing so. One example of this is the Hume City Council mayor's decision to ban pork from being provided at public functions in an effort to ensure the area's Muslim community got more involved in council events. Although the intent of this decision was to be more inclusive it alienated the community even further.

The Equal Opportunity Commission also said is had fielded calls from angry residents who claimed the move was discriminatory. Chief executive of the Equal Opportunity Commission Diane Sisely also mentioned that, 'It is not the Muslims who are calling for a ban on particular foods, nor is it Muslims who create a fuss each Christmas about nativity plays and Christmas carols'. This, she explains is an example where decision-makers have done more harm than good.

Multiculturalism then, as explained by Gary (Minister for citizenship and Multicultural Affairs), '…is not about giving up one's culture or expecting others to do the same… Giving up to accommodate others creates resentment and the very divisions which Australian multiculturalism is about bridging.'

In order to achieve an equitable and fair society, the federal multicultural policies recognize that all people should be able to participate in decisions that affect them. (Commonwealth of Australia 15). However this participation process was not evident in the case study above. The public was not consulted in regards to the pork ban, and as stated by a local planner, it was basically the Mayor whispering to the council's CEO to order the pork ban.

With both of the case studies shown above, it can be seen that sometimes it is hard to have all differences accommodated for. Again, in doing so may cause more harm than good. Religion especially, is a very sensitive issue to bring up, as peoples' beliefs and levels in religion differ. As one of the community members of Hume states in the local newspaper, '… we have a secular government in Australia, and (that) religion belongs firmly in the private sphere, the churches or the home.' (Gayle Edwards, pp. The idea that religion is a private concept, is also put forward by Bouma, (pp.1, ……………………………………………) who states that for most of Australia's history, religion has been viewed as a private matter not subject to control by the state.

Reading through the replies in regards to prayers before council meetings, it seems evident that people feel the politicization of religion will only cause division among the community. One individual in particular wanted the prayers to be deleted all together as it was both unfair and dangerous to attempt to change a person's faith or culture. Even though the change in prayers was a way to include more of society, it made some feel the change was manipulative.

Although Mayor Burhan Yigit is Muslim himself, this case study is a prime example that it is wrong to generalize. Although an individual may feel part of certain social group, it is wrong to be able to decide or think on behalf of the rest of the community. It is not to say that the councilors at Hume, or the local policies always have a negative affect, but the examples in which I have provided show that outcomes are rarely positive when public meetings and consultations with the people affected are not provided.

Providing communities with places of worship can also be hard work for decision-makers.

To deal with these problems it is important to have programs of community education on religious pluralism in Australia which make clear the importance and role of religion in society, as well as the existence and contributions of a wide variety of different faiths, beliefs and practices. It would also be helpful for these programs to be in all schools as part of the curriculum. Although many of the places I have associated with, do cater for the needs of people with different religions, (especially with Muslims, and providing them with rooms for praying, etc.), it is important to increase awareness of what it means to be of a different religion living in Australia. There should also be an introduction to the needs of a Muslim (or any faith) worker and how these are being met, at a National level.

Stereotyping that people come here and don't learn the language etc etc. we can say that women aren't allowed to learn etc etc.

After analyzing the very minimum research available on religion and its effect on multiculturalism in Australia, it seems clear that the only possible way for social justice is to accept and respect each others religion and beliefs. As stated by Heiner Bielefeldt amd there seems to be two world views. One is of the 'western civilisation', which is based on Christian values, and the other the 'Islamic civilisation' which epitomizes Islamic values. Heiner, . Explains how many people follow these concepts, and begin to see social justice as either a 'Western' concept of justice, or 'Islamic' concept of justice; both concepts essentially opposed.

We need to realize that '…[R]espect for human dignity is the fundamental normative principle on which all possible orders of justice are based. In all the controversies over what social justice might mean, the basic requirement of respecting human responsibility is always presupposed.' (

Religion is a very hard concept to deal with, as not only does religion have an affect on your identity, but also your ideas, thoughts, opinions, actions, and your goals in life. We all have a different way to living life, however, some countries, including Australia to an extent, do not fully take into consideration the needs of people from diverse communities (religious diversity). As indicated by the booklet 'Understanding Planning', the guide asserts that planning in a modern society operates 'for the greatest good of the greatest number' (Department of Infrastructure 164). This notion is also proved to be evident in Sandercock and Kliger's, interviews with local planners in Melbourne. When asked on their thoughts of the 'one law for all' and 'majority rules' approach to justice, one Local Laws Officer replied, 'Local laws and regulations are framed for the majority of the community. If the minority can't fit, then bad luck' (pp.7, 17).

If professionals in Australia have the same views as the ones interviewed by Sandercock & Kliger, then we have a problem.


Bielefeldt, H. & Mohammad, S.B., (00) The Politics of Social Justice Religion versus Human Rights, OpenDemocracy Ltd, [online] http//www.opendemocracy.net/debates/article-5-57-68.jsp [accessed on 7 / 0 / 00]

Bouma, G.B., (14) Mosques and Muslim Settlement in Australia, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

Department of Infrastructure. (16), Understanding Planning Your Guide to Planning in Victoria. nd ed. Melbourne Minister for Planning and Local Government.

Sandercock, L. & Kliger B., (17) Multiculturalism and the Planning System, Department of Landscape, Environment and Planning, RMIT.

Please note that this sample paper on Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Positive and Negative Ways of Decision Makers Dealing With Sensitive Multicultural Issues will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 2, 2021

Love and sexuality in zora neala hurston

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on love and sexuality in zora neala hurston. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality love and sexuality in zora neala hurston paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in love and sexuality in zora neala hurston, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your love and sexuality in zora neala hurston paper at affordable prices!

Love, Sexuality, and Power Their Eyes Were Watching God

In many instances people have a hard time distinguishing between sex, love, and happiness. At times they are all very different, but one instance that comes to mind is when power is involved. According to a capitalist society, money and status should coincide with happiness. For Janie, the female protagonist in Zora Neale Hurston's novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, her search for identity, love, and power is a struggle that is opened up through her sexuality. She gives up a low status with her first love-less marriage, for one in which she thought there was love, but instead it resulted in a repression of sexuality and identity. Janie's greatest love of all lowered her social status, but there were no worries because it was a sexual and love filled relationship in which her husband became her partner. Hurston does a wonderful job telling this story by using metaphors, symbolism, and poetic descriptive language. She introduces themes through symbols, which carry out throughout the novel stressing the importance of such issues as sexuality, love, and power.

One prominent symbol of sexuality in this novel is the meaning of the pear tree. Janie would spend her days laying under the pear tree, and dreaming away of love. Her sexuality is revealed while watching the bees performing the action of pollination with the pear blossoms. This action takes over her body and brings out her sexual desire from within. It is after this that Janie kisses Johnny Taylor and is caught by her Nanny. This is the first time Janie finds her sexual desire being repressed. It is her Nanny that implants opinions of love, that later help her to realize her identity. With this kiss, her Nanny proclaims that she is now a woman, and therefore she must be married. Janie thinks otherwise basing her opinion of marriage on the love that she found under the pear tree. Her Nanny knows otherwise, and knows that marriage is a state in which a woman needs protection from sexual abuse and in financial stability. Over time love will come, but Janie does not accept this for she thinks "that the vision of Logan Killicks was desecrating the pear tree," (14).

The pollination of the pear tree symbolizes Janie's ideal relationship and will so for the rest of her life. She describes it on page eleven by sayingOrder custom research paper on love and sexuality in zora neala hurston

"She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom; the thousand sister-calyxes arch to meet the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from the root to the tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing delight. So this was a marriage!"

When she is married off to Logan Killick, it is a marriage out of convenience and not one out of love. This marriage crushed her dream of a love filled marriage, and shatters the thought of the pear tree. The pear tree dies and rejuvenates throughout the story as her love life changes. It grows and evolves as Janie does.

Her marriage ends as Janie meets a man by the name of Joe Starks. He is a prominent black man that could lift her out of her hole, and bring her the love she was looking for. On top of meeting Mr. Starks, Janie's relationship with Logan was deteriorating more and more everyday. Logan even went as far as to buy a mule, one that Janie would work out in the field. You can see that in this relationship Janie refuses to work with in the fields with and for a man with whom she does not love.

The idea of working hard was out of the question, for Janie thought that she was above this. She even had an open invitation to go with Joe Starks who propositioned Janie with a better life. A woman like herself, who is so beautiful, did not deserve to be apart of the lower class, in which she would have to work. One huge element of Janie's beauty was her long luxurious hair. It was a quality in which other African-American women were quite jealous of. On top of the straight hair she also had lighter skin, for she was a mulatto. These qualities shape her identity and sexuality, as well as her power. Janie's hair is the first thing that attracts Joe Starks to her.

It is Janie's hair that shows her power and the rise and fall of her relationships. When she had first married Logan, he was in awe of her and loved her hair. As their relationship dwindled and Janie falls off of the pedestal, he stops touching her hair. She regains a sense of power with the meeting of Joe Starks. We see the connection between her sexuality and power as her relationship continues with him.

Once they are together, Joe asks Janie to call him by the name of Jody, and she does so. This is the first example of his power over her. Once they reach Eatonville, Jody accepts his role as the town leader and takes it home with him. Jody is well aware of the sexuality Janie exudes, and how lovely her hair is. To take precautions and to make sure none of the local men or any men touch her hair, he makes her wear her hair tied up. Over her hair she wears a rag, for there should be no temptation. Janie was Jody's wife and there would be no mistake of that.

Throughout their marriage Janie is treated more and more as an object and she is denied a voice in which she would be heard. There is a shift of power, but only at the end of their marriage. Jody insults her in front of everyone at the store, and for once Janie does not hold back. She realizes how things really are and insults him in the worst possible way. She insults his manhood by saying in front of everyone, "Humph! Talkin about me lookin' old! When you pull down yo' britches, you look lak de change uh life," (7). Not too long after this incident did Jody die from kidney failure.

After his death, the first move Janie made was to take down her hair from the rags. On top of that she would get rid of them so that her hair could forever hang down. Her hair was also a reflection of the love Tea Cake had for her. He loved to run his hands through her hair. The difference with him and the others is that his love for her was true and not out of convenience, or objectivity, it was a love and admiration for the person Janie was. Janie's hair is a symbol of who she is, and it is her that he loves. With Tea Cake in her life we see and feel the presence of the pear tree once again, as it blossoms with their love.

Tea Cake was more then just a great love for Janie, for he represented what she was looking for. Janie spent her entire life looking for the greatest love, and still the freedom to express her sexuality. She expresses sexuality with every movement made, and brushing of the hair. She is a female, and a sexual one for that matter. She is so sexual that the women around her are quite jealous. So much in fact that when the book opens, we are introduced to the town gossips badmouthing and exaggerating Janie's story. There is a description that describes what the men see as Janie walk by that says, "The men noticed her firm buttocks like she had grape fruits in her hip poclets; the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume; then her precious breasts trying to bore holes in her shirt," ().

This novel is more or less a woman's journey for self-identity, and the search for love. Even though she had love, Janie only felt love with Tea Cake. He gave her a sense of freedom, and self-reliance. With him she had the power to be herself, express her feelings, enjoy herself, and most of all wear her hair down. Janie's Nanny told her that when marriage is concerned love is not necessarily there. It took her two failed marriages and one that ended so tragically to realize this. After the first two marriages Janie almost believed that the search for love and happiness was lost, but Tea Cake brought her dreams to life.

Janie is the female that wants freedom and searches for it but then gives it up to the men in her life. She needs these men to make her feel loved and attractive. As such in many cases, Janie starts off with the power in their relationships, while she keeps the men in awe of her. As the relationships move on she becomes more submissive, and her power is lost. In her first two marriages, not only was her power gone, but so was her sexual appeal. Tea Cake's control was more out of what was expected from him by his peers as well as jealous rage. When Jody hit Janie it destroyed her, but it was different with Tea Cake. Janie knew that he loved her, and did it to show those around her that she was his woman. For the sake of love this situation was "okay."

At the end of the story, when Janie is informing Pheoby of what happened, she describes just how much her relationship with Tea Cake affected her. To Janie, Tea Cake would never be dead, "He could never be dead until she herself had finished feeling and thinking," (1). After his death Janie could live out the rest of her life filled with love, extruding sexuality, and having power of her own life. By discovering what love was to her, she was able to have the power to hold onto Tea Cake while at the same time finding herself. She accepts her past and has taken as much as she could from her life experiences. Janie has grown old and wise, and even gives Pheoby advice that is quite prolific. She says, "two things everybody's got tuh do fuh theyselves. They got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin' fuh theyselves," (1). Janie was a woman, and one who had suffered hardships, and heartache. She would end her life having the one thing in which she had spent so much time searching for. She had love, she loved herself, and she would love her man until the end of time. Janie's power came from finally finding love, and proving those that said it would not happen, wrong.

Please note that this sample paper on love and sexuality in zora neala hurston is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on love and sexuality in zora neala hurston, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on love and sexuality in zora neala hurston will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, June 28, 2021

Manson family

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on manson family. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality manson family paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in manson family, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your manson family paper at affordable prices!

The Manson Family

In this paper on the Manson Family, I will discuss the murders, the

evidence which created the case, the trial and the conviction. I will show

you that due to ignorance a case could be held up and and ties are not

Buy manson family term paper

made to solve a case. You will also see that confessions are critical in a

case and that they change the course of an investigation.

The first murders were the Tate murders. These murders took place

at the Beverly Hills home of Sharon Tate, a pregnant movie star. Sharon

was joined by three of her friends, Abigail Folger, the Folgers coffee

heiress, Abigail's boyfriend Voytek Frykowski Sharon's house was

secluded and secured by a locked gate and there was also an able-

bodied young caretaker. Around 10-1 A.M. Sharon's neighbors heard

a few gunshots coming from Sharon's property but heard nothing else so

they went back to bed. Around the same time Tim Ireland, supervising a

camp-out, heard a chilling scream," Oh, God, No, Please don't! Oh God,

no, don't, don't... He drove around a little but found nothing unusual. At 8

a.m. housekeeper Winifred Chapman noticed a fallen telephone wire and

noticed an unfamiliar white Rambler. She entered the back door and

confirmed the dead telephone. She then noticed the front door was open

and splashes of blood were everywhere. Looking out the front door she saw a couple pools of blood and what looked like a body in the lawn. She ran back through the house and close enough to the Rambler to notice another body. She ran to the neighbors and notified the police. One by one three officers arrived to discover the body in the Rambler. Looking into the front lawn they saw two other bodies. One of the victims, a man, had his head and face bashed in and also dozens of puncture wounds in the rest of his body. The other lawn victim, a woman, had multiple stab wounds. The officers, Robert Burbridge, Jerry DeRosa and William Whisehunt, approach the house and notice a removed window screen. Two of the officers found an open window where they entered the house while the other officer entered the front door. The officer which entered the front door noticed at the bottom of the door the word "pig" in blood. In the hallway was two large streamer trunks, a pair of horned rimmed glasses and a broken gun grip which is big later in the investigation. He then found the last two bodies. One of which was a pregnant woman with a noose around her neck and at the other end was a man. The officers heard a man's voice and the sound of a dog which turned out to be the caretaker William Garretson. The officers arrested him. The second murders where the LaBianca murders. Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were on there way home from a vacation with Rosemary's daughter Susan Struthers. After dropping Susan off at her apartment nobody saw the the LaBiancas until the following day. At around 80 p.m. Frank Struthers, Rosemary's son from a previous marriage, pulled up to the house and noticed some things that worried him. The bout was still in the driveway from the previous day and all the shades where down which the LaBiancas never do. Frank knocked on the door and got no response. He then went to a pay phone to call them and still no answer. He finally got in touch with his sister Susan which then came to the house with her boyfriend. The three of them entered thru the back door which they found open. Frank and the boyfriend left Susan in the kitchen while they went thru the house. When the men walked into the living room they found Leno in his pajamas with a pillow over his head, a chord around his neck and something sticking out of his stomach. Grabbing Susan they ran to the neighbors house and called the police. As soon as the police arrived they found Leno and to go along with the before mentioned they found his hands tied with a leather thong and the word "war" carved in his stomach by the fork. Rosemary was found in the master bedroom with her nightgown pulled over her head. She also had a pillow case over her head and a chord around her neck. Also in three different places the words "Death to Pigs", "Rise", and "Healther Skelter" which was misspelled and written in blood. But before these murders there was a music teacher murdered in his living room and in his blood there was the words "Political Piggy" written on the wall. The music teacher's name was Gary Hinman.

The LAPD had not connected the murders together even after being told about the Gary Hinman murder. All they had was the caretaker for Sharon Tate which had passed a polygraph. The LAPD decided that the Tate murders was a drug deal gone bad and that the LaBianca murders was nothing more than robbery. Even after finding out about the Hinman murder and the similarity between all of them the LAPD refused to look into a connection between them. A man by the name of Bobby Beausoleil was arrested for the Hinman murder. He was found living with a bunch of hippies led by Charles Manson. The LA sheriff's office decided that the Tate and LaBianca murders where connected and decided to look into the similarities of them and the Hinman murder. The investigation led to the Spahn Ranch which was the home of the Manson Family. The Manson Family is a group of hippies which was led by Charles Manson. The family found the ranch by chance while traveling in there bus through the mountains. The ranch reflected the misfits and rejects that Charlie had collected in the back of his black bus. The family settled in rent free with the understanding that the girls of the family would perform sexual favors for the owner of the ranch, George Spahn. The family would gather food from dumpsters behind supermarkets. Manson also gathered unwanted people and told them that "in love there is no wrong." The family also took LSD on a regular basis. The prosecution's star witness said that she had taken over 00 trips of acid said she could not determine fact and fantasy do to the acid. Beausoleil's girlfriend confessed to the Hinman murder and also to stabbing another man repeatedly in the legs which may have been part of the Tate murders. The LAPD had finally got involved in the investigation and three months after the murders the LAPD and the LA sheriff's office had still been conducting separate investigations. While the Sheriff's office suspected Charles Manson it wasn't till months after that the LAPD started talking to the Sheriff's office.

Beausoliel's girlfriend also said that Susan Atkins was involved in the murders. She was already in custody and while in custody she confessed to a lot. While in an institution, she confessed to a roommate to killing Hinman and also about fighting with a man that she stabbed repeatedly in the legs which turned out to be part of the Tate murders. She also said that Charlie was her lover and that he was Jesus Christ. She also mentioned that Charlie was going to lead them to a hole in the center of the earth. She later confessed to the murder of Sharon Tate. She said that her, two other girls and a man were instructed to do so by Charlie. Following this, she confessed to killing the LaBiancas the night after the Tate murders. People close to the Manson family also reported other confessions by the family not only of the already mentioned murders but also of a ranch hand who Charles thought would tell the head of the Spahn Ranch. The Sheriff's office with the overdue cooperation of the LAPD decided to pursue the family and arrested them. On November 18, 16 Deputy DA Vincent T. Bugliosi was assigned to the Manson Family murder trial. Despite the the confessions, the Prosecution did not have as much evidence as it should have. The police eradicated fingerprints and misplaced other evidence which deprived the crime scene of telling it's story. In addition, the forensic chemist failed to gather blood samples from the scene and failed to run subtypes on twenty one of the twenty four samples taken. However, they did have finger prints from the Tate house which were traced back to the suspects and thanks to a citizen the missing piece of the gun grip was placed to the revolver it belonged to, the murder weapon. These two things plus the confessions were enough. It only took twenty minutes for the jury to hand down indictments. The family decided for whatever reason to shave their heads for the trial and again for the verdict, perhaps to sure unity or togetherness or maybe even to show they are not afraid of what's to come. They were all found guilty of murder in the first degree and also conspiracy to commit murder. Since they were found guilty there sentence was death. However, in 17, The California Supreme Court abolished the death penalty and they are all presently serving life sentences in prison. It took over a year for the capture and conviction of Manson and his family.

Due to the stubbornness of the LAPD to cooperate with the Sheriff's office and the failure to make the connection immediately, these cold blooded killers were at large with the possibility to kill again. If they would have got together earlier they would have got the connections much earlier and perhaps brought these murderers to justice much sooner. However long it took, the confession and the discovery of the gun with the broken grip was more than sufficient to put this mentally sick and unstable family behind bars for life. Manson, though perhaps crazy, was wise in the way he ran the family. He found unwanted, there for emotionally damaged people to join his family. He would load them up on LSD and tell them lies like he was Jesus and Satan at the same time. He brainwashed these people and convinced them they had to do what they did. These people were mad at society and it wasn't hard to persuade them to commit these murders. I feel that, though it is highly unlikely, they should reinstate the death penalty in the state of California and out them all to death. It may help put the emotions of the victim's friends and family to rest and for fill the justice due to these killers.

Please note that this sample paper on manson family is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on manson family, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on manson family will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Princess Diana

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Princess Diana. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Princess Diana paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Princess Diana, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Princess Diana paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

Snap, click followed by dozens of flashing lights. Diana Spencer got out of her vehicle to go to one of her many charity organizations. Everyday Lady Spencer had to deal with the public. Lady Diana Francis Spencer led a privileged background. She was born on July 1, 161. She was supposed to be a boy. But boy were her parents in for a surprise. Diana grew up at Park House in Norfolk. In 167, When Diana was six, her parents separated. Eventually they were divorced and both of them went on to marry again. Diana and the other children found this very difficult. They saw their mother, but continued to live with their father. A series of nannies took care of them when they were not at boarding school.

From the age of six, Diana went to Riddlesworth Hall in Norfolk and then to West Heath in Kent. But eight years later she left West Heath School without graduating. During the next three years the, Spencer family's wealth proved very useful. Diana was given her own apartment in London, where she lived with two close friends. She did not have to earn her living, so she took whatever jobs appealed to her. This shows that she was not afraid to get her hands dirty doing something for someone else. She worked as a nanny and also helped the teachers at the Young England Kindergarten School.

By the age of 1, Diana was a tall, shy, likable young woman. Like most people her age, she enjoyed dancing, partying, and watching television. Her family and friends called jokingly called her "Duchess" or "Duch," but unlike some privileged young people she did not seem snobbish or proud.

She had plenty of friends who were boys, but until she was almost 0, she had not had a steady boyfriend. That was about to change. In November 177, Diana went to a weekend party in a country house. One of the people there was Charles Windsor, the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne. Diana had known the Prince as a child, but not very well, he was 1 years older than she, and lately Diana had thought of him only as her sister Sarah's friend. Help with essay on Princess Diana That weekend, Charles noticed Diana. Later he remembered her as "a very jolly, amusing, and attractive 16 year old, full of fun." As time passed, they got to know each other better. In mid-180 rumors began to spread that Charles and Diana were about to get engaged. So many media reporters pestered Diana to know the truth. On February 4, 181, the world was let in on the secret. It was announced that Charles, now 1, and Diana, 1, were to marry.

After the announcement, Diana moved out of her apartment. First she moved to Clarence House, the Queen Mother's London home, then into Buckingham Palace. There she was better protected from the media who hounded her day in and day out.

The wedding was planned for July , 181. Massive preparations had to be made for this huge public event. Diana also had to prepare herself for becoming the Princess of Wales in 71 years. After July , she would be the third most important woman in Great Britain, after only the Queen and the Queen Mother. How was the former kindergarten helper going to cope? What, exactly, would she be expected to do?

First and foremost, she would have to give birth to a male heir for Prince Charles, a son who would one day become King himself. She would also have to accompany Charles on his various appearances in Britain and overseas. Sometimes she would have to appear on her own, and serve as the patron or president of organizations.

In addition to her public duties, Diana would have to deal with men and women from the media. The British royal family already fascinated millions. As its newest and prettiest member, Diana would be sure to attract a lot of attention, at least until people got used to her. As her wedding approached, Diana began almost visibly to shrink under the pressures. On July , the great day arrived; she disappointed no one as she walked up the long aisle of St. Pauls Cathedral on the arm of her father. A congregation of ,500 people watched Diana marry Charles. A further 750 million shared in the event on television. The fairy tale continued as the newlyweds enjoyed a long honeymoon, which included a Mediterranean cruise on the royal yacht Britannia. Then Charles and Diana took up residence in their two new homes; Kensington palace in London and Highgrove House in Gloucester.

Charles and Diana's first royal engagement was a three-day, 45-mile tour of Wales. This is when the public first to reacts to Diana. If Charles walked on one side of the street during a walkabout, the crowds would groan because his fairly-tale princess was too far away on the other. This was the beginning. Similar scenes would soon be repeated all over the world. Diana had always been quite shy with strangers. Now it was her job to appear before large crowds of them. She was also expected to talk briefly worth some of them, to ask questions, and to make comments. This did not come naturally to her. But people were charmed by the obvious efforts she was making, and the media's interest in her grew. The attention became greater than it had been before the wedding.

This interest grew when the royal couple announced that Princess Diana was pregnant. On June 1, 18, ten days before her 1st birthday, Diana gave birth to a baby boy, William. "Thank goodness," said the delighted Queen, "he hasn't got ears like his father." At once little William became the heir-apparent to the British throne.

On September 15, 184, Diana gave birth to a second son. His name was Henry but Diana called him Harry. An important job now had been done. As the old saying goes, she had produced "an heir and a spare."

Although Diana found it hard to live in the media spotlight, motherhood came more easily to her. She lavished love and attention on her sons as they grew up. Two such boys could never hope to lead normal lives. But Diana made sure they had fun at theme parks and pizza restaurants, along with the more solemn future public duties.

But behind the happy family smiles, all was not well. The stress of being Princess of Wales was making Diana ill. Often she looked painfully thin, and in later years she had not only suffered from postnatal depression but also from bulimia nervosa. In spite of her health problems, Diana had to carry out a lot of duties, which went with the job of being a member of the royal family.

Gradually Diana overcame her shyness to become an effective and sincere public speaker. She took a personal interest in whatever organization she was involved. When she became patron on the British Deaf Association, for instance, she learned sign language and frequently used in public. Thus she brought a very human touch to her work as a Princess.

The Princess made a huge impact on the world of fashion. Clothing made by British clothes designers became more popular after Diana wore them. And Diana never seemed to look less than perfect in a photograph; even she was snapped off duty. But behind that goddess like image, there was a real person- antis person felt her was far from perfect. "She was expected by the royal system to be in clothes horse and an obedient wife."

In 188 Diana reached a turning point in her life. She decided to seek medical help for her eating disorder. She began a new fitness regimen with the advice of a trainer. She helped AIDS organizations and kids with seriously disadvantaged, neglected or dying form diseases.

By the 10's, as traditions changed elsewhere in British life, the royal family began to look old-fashioned to some people. Others asked why there was a monarchy at all. Diana believed that the British royal family had to appear more up to date if they were to stay popular with the British people. But Prince Charles did not agree. There were rumors going around that Diana and Charles were having other disagreements too. In December 1, there was a royal sensation. It was announced that the marriage of the Queen's son was broken up, and that he and his wife were going to separate. The fairy tale was over. Charles and Diana had no immediate plans to divorce. They set up separate households at the Kensington Palace, and then continued to carry out their public duties alone.

The media soon turned negative toward Princess Diana. For a year Diana tried to withdraw from public life as much as possible to win some time and space for herself and her sons. The media was interested in her new male friends, and also in a female friend of Prince Charles, Camilla Parker-Bowles. On August 8, 16, the royal couple made their divorce final.

During the 10's, public interest in Diana's love life reached fever pitch. Millions of words were written and broadcasted about whom she might marry next. And hundreds of photographs were printed of the Princess off duty, in the company of various male friends. For years the paparazzi had been buzzing around world-famous celebrities, taking unwelcome photos, then selling them to the magazine that paid them the most. On Diana's final journey, Paparazzi on motorcycles were following a car carrying the Princess in the early hours of the morning of August 1, 17. She was spending the weekend in a Paris with a new friend, wealthy Dodi Al-Fayed. Their speeding car ran out of control in a tunnel. In the crash that followed the driver and Dodi died instantly, Diana died a couple of hours later and the bodyguard was the only one that lived. At the age of 6, she died in the hospital.

The relationship between the British people and its royal families has had many ups and downs. The current Queen, Elizabeth II, has remained personally popular, but her family has been widely criticized for behaving in an unsuitable way.

Princess Diana once said that she wanted "to do, not just to be." Being just a figurehead was not enough for her. But it is difficult to know exactly what the British want their royal family to do. Suitable behavior means different people, as was clearly shown by the widely differing public responses to the career of Diana herself.

Please note that this sample paper on Princess Diana is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Princess Diana, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college papers on Princess Diana will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, June 14, 2021

How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs? paper at affordable prices!

Evolving after photography abstract art conveyed all that could not be captured through eye of a camera lens. It abandoned the stultifying constraints of representational art and embraced a new found freedom from conventional concerns and restraints, which allowed for unobstructed expressiveness and an innovative means of communicating emotions. This innovative means of expression which abandoned the representation of any physical form or object, drew clear parallels to the universalist spiritual beliefs that rejected material associations and embraced the journey from the physical to the transcendental.

Throughout history the primary purpose of painting had been to paint perfectly reproduced images rather than to evoke emotion. It was not until the late 1800's that expressive art had begun to surface and later still, at the turn of the twentieth century that abstract art evolved into a practice concerned with representing the phenomenally unconscious feelings associated with mystical thought and theosophical belief. The turn of the twentieth century faced a revolution of artistic practice and beliefs, which were, induced by various political and social influences. The most influential changes being the emergence of Freud's psychoanalysis, Marx's analysis of historical changes, and the revolutions occurring in the modern scientific view of physical reality. Two things in particular shattered man's view of the physical world, the discovery of nuclear fission and the new hypothesis of the space-time continuum. Both discoveries implied that the scientific view of the world could no longer be discerned in terms of representable geometry but in algebraic formulas, which could not be represented.1 Due to this many artists sought inspiration in occult thought and anarchistic attitudes, they wanted to find the underlying unifying force that would emerge after the structures of society were removed. These artists believed that when the world was stripped bare of its material assets all that remained was colour sound and feeling. Due to this, abstract art turned to the sanctuary of spiritualism, which abandoned earthly attachments in favour of pure expressionism and self-emancipation on a universal scale.

Universalist spiritual beliefs rejected the common secular penchant for materialism and commercialism in favour of a deeper study of religion, philosophy and science. Based on the notion of a united brotherhood, this movement inspired much of abstract art in the early twentieth century. These artists were primarily protesting against the restrictions of an industrialized society. This rejection of authoritarian beliefs was expressed through their art, which rejected all representational forms and required one to 'search for meaning' to be understood, synonymous to the universalist spiritualists, mystics and theosophists who also subscribed to the notion of such a search.

A culmination of spirituality and idealism, theosophy embodies ideas of a cosmic truth beyond material understanding. Indeed such a philosophy is critical of those that draw metaphors from the outside world to find meaning. Theosophy was primarily influenced by the mystical writings and beliefs of Madame Blavatsky, Edouard Schure, Jakob Bohme, and Emmanuel Swedenborg, whose life works transcribed these ideals of a universal brotherhood based on the study of ancient and modern religions, philosophies and sciences, and the investigation of the unexplained laws of nature and the physical powers latent in humankind and urged artists to seek truth beyond material realms.4 These ideas had an overwhelming influence on the founding fathers of the abstract movement, Wassily Kandinsky, Frantisek Kupka, Piet Mondrian and Kazimer Malevich wherein abstract art became the visible manifestation of these united beliefs.

All four artists began their artistic practice engaged in a symbolist style. Their earlier works expressing cosmic ideals expressed through semi-representational forms. However the iconography of symbolism only limited their ability to express the universal concepts they so reverently believed in. Having experienced the extent of the symbolist voice, they began to dig deeper into their theosophical ideals and surfaced new modes of artistic recourse to express themselves.5

This revolution of the artistic realm altered the very aims and intentions of artisans, transforming the general practice of representational art into an art, which sought to portray "human inwardness without recourse to metaphors drawn from the outside world".6

These Artists aimed at abandoning their attachment to the material world and sought to align themselves with the depths of their psyche, to the journey of spiritual truth, a journey they accepted as multi-dimensional, problematic and perpetually never ending. The objective of abstract art had become fixated with the desire to transform the spectators' perception and psychic experience of viewing art. It was colour, stripped of all its associations, at its purist and most plastic that served to communicate these beliefs about the fundamental, underlying laws of the universe.7

Wassily Kandinsky, regarded by many as the godfather of pure abstract art, was the first artist of his time to appreciate the intensity of pure colour. It was Kandinsky's fascination with colour, which provided the immediate impetus for his move into abstraction. Kandinsky was also a prolific writer and heavily subscribed to the Universalist spiritual beliefs in his book On the spiritual in art. In his book he explains his pre-occupation with colour and how it can be employed as a tool for expression of the spiritual, imagining it as a kind of intermediary between the viewer and the spiritual world.8 As in Theosophy Kandinsky believed in a certain universal harmony underlying the apparent chaos of the natural world, and he felt that someone with a higher consciousness could tap into this. His comprehension of colour was fundamentally dynamic, he felt that each colour had an inherent character defined by its relationship to its opposing colour, for example plus/minus, warm/cool, active/passive, female/male, and believed that these characteristics, on a intuitive level and in certain combinations, could project an emotion or idea to the person looking at the them.

Kandinsky also subscribed to the possibility of combining painting, music, architecture and poetic prose in a Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art.) He agrees with both Goethe and Blanc that there exists a grammar of colour analogous to the grammar of music. Inspired by one of Wagner's musical compositions he attempted to recreate the emotions he experienced listening to the music through the harmonizing of colour and form.10 Wagner also had an affinity with the philosophy of Schopenhauer, who considered music to be of central importance in mans emotional life, which paralleled Universalist spiritual beliefs and developed Kandinsky's aims of production in his visual art.11 In liberating the symbol and elevating the status of colour, Kandinsky created a new movement that drew upon the Universalist spiritual beliefs of spiritual emancipation through the harmonizing of colour, line and form in art.

The use of colour to depict music is effectively illustrated in Kandinsky's symphonic composition Impression III (111, Oil on Canvas, 5x 46, Private Collection). The painting is a direct illustration of one of Schonbergs concerts and in the painting, looking at the work one is able to identify the auditorium on the left side of the painting, whilst the right side is enveloped in a blanket of yellow. Kandinsky's described this yellow as disquieting to the spectator, pitching him, stimulating him giving one a sense of the dynamism of the music and spiritual affinity within the arts.

These Universalist spiritual beliefs also united artists Kandinsky, Marc, Macke, Klee and Jawlensky to form the unofficial group 'der Blaue Reiter'.1 Under the guidance of Kandinsky these artists 'felt themselves to be harbingers of a new spiritual culture, rooted in the manifestations of the naïve soul'.1 They all produced art that reacted against the current direction of society and embraced the idea of awakening the spiritual in all mankind.

Franz marc explained that the entire aesthetic of the Blaue Reiter is dominated by the striving to perceive the "inner mystical construction"14 of the world. In his questioning of creation, he strove to find forms and colours offering a metaphoric correspondence to the knowledge, buried deep within us, of a secret order of the world the Franciscan 'ordo caritatis'.15

Ultimately Abstract art in the early twentieth century drew upon Universalist spiritual beliefs in protest against a society overly occupied with material wealth. Invalidating representational art as authoritarian and political, the embodiment of this spiritual school of thought allowed for the expression of the idea that consumerism and industrialization brings decline. The change towards spirituality was inevitable, because as the world moves towards the commercial, humanity, removed from its material environment requires a spiritual outlet. However abstract artists were guided by a passion beyond merely providing an outlet. Abstract artists drew their inspirations from Universalist spiritual beliefs overall because they held the belief that moving away from capitalism would regenerate humanity and allow for the theosophical ideal of a utopia where all mankind would live in harmony and love.

Please note that this sample paper on How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs?, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on How and why did abstract art in the early twentieth century draw upon Universalist spiritual beliefs? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, June 7, 2021

Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence paper at affordable prices!

Patrick Sherill, a post office employee in Edmond, Oklahoma had a history of work problems and knew that he soon faced termination. On August 0, 186 he returned to the post office in which he once worked and killed 14 postal employees and soon after killed himself. This is just one of many examples of workplace violence, an ethical issue that is growing at an alarming rate in the U.S. Violence in the workplace has now reached epidemic levels according to data provided by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics. A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice predicted that one in four employees would be victimized by workplace violence.

The Workplace Violence Research Institute, located in Palm Springs, CA. and established in 1, conducts studies and research into the causes of violence in the workplace. The Workplace Violence Research Institute also develops effective methods to help reduce the potential for incidents and provide consulting services to assist companies and organizations to assess the risk of workplace violence. The Institute defines workplace violence as "Any act against an employee that creates a hostile work environment and negatively affects the employee either physically or psychologically.

About 1,000,000 individuals are victims of some form of a violent crime in the workplace each year and about 00 are killed. This represents 15% of all violent crimes committed annually in America. Workplace violence can include verbal threats, fistfights, rape, shootings, stabbings, and possibly death. Murder in the workplace is now one of the fastest growing types of homicide in the United States. In 1, it was reported that an average of three people were murdered on the job every workday. There was also a report of at least 150 workers murdered in the workplace each year between the years 180 and 18. In 14, The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) conducted a survey, which provide results from the point of view of human resource managers on violence in the workplace. The results of the survey were illuminating and gave a certain feel for violence in the workplace. According to the survey, when regarding violent incidents in the workplace, it stated that 1.% of all managers surveyed experienced at least one violent incident in the workplace. The survey also stated that most of the incidents were either employee to employee (1.54%), employee against supervisor (.1%), and customers against workers (.7%). There was also a reporting that the effects of violent incidents in the workplace increased stress levels, caused higher levels of paranoia, and increased distrust among employees.

Violence in the workplace can be attributed to angry customers, clients, and lovers or spouses of employees. Now, Americans are beginning to completely understand that workplace violence is a problem of national scope and can affect anyone. Workplace violence has many causes and can in turn effect not only the people involved but the company or organization involved as well, but there are also ways to prevent such mishaps from occurring. Order custom research paper on Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence

There are several reasons for a person to commit such heinous crimes. One instance is that the assailant may have had deep effecting issues occurring in their life. Several studies have shown that these assailants often had a history of frustrating life experiences. Another instance is that many of the employees had grievances or disciplinary actions pending at the time of the attacks. The most common known reasons for violence in the workplace are revenge, jealousy, and financial gain. Some classic warning signs are chronically poor and inadequate work performance, conflicts with the supervisor and/or other employees, unfounded grievance and complaints, abuse of sick leave, and view of self as a "victim." Any threat of violence from an employee, subtle or direct, should be taken seriously, then documented and investigated by the appropriate authorities.

Equally important is the termination process. The single biggest trigger of rampage-type attacks in the workplace by employees is termination. How the firing is done can make the difference between a routine event and a crisis. Lastly, there is negligent hiring and negligent retention. Negligent hiring and negligent retention are fodder for lawsuits when store management fails to screen the applicants it employs. Negligent hiring occurs when, prior to hiring, the employer knew or should have known that a particular applicant was not fit for the job. Failure to adequately screen applicants results in a liability for the employer. Negligent retention occurs when and employer becomes aware of an employee's unsuitability or should be aware of it and fails to act on that knowledge. For example, a furniture store advertised for a deliveryman, and then hired a large, muscular man whose application indicated a history of delivering furniture. The store hired him without checking the information on his application. Later, the man raped a customer in her home when he came to deliver furniture. The women sued the store, charging negligent hiring because it failed to check out the man's past. Had it checked, it would have found that the man was fired from his last delivery job because he made suggestive remarks to a female customer. He was also fired from the job before that because he touched a female customer in an inappropriate manner.

Two categories of victims emerge Supervisors and domestic partners. Although no organized central effort currently exists to collect data on the characteristics of these cases, many media reports cite the initial intended victim as a former or current supervisor. While at one time employers could fire employees with no fear of repercussions, they now must contend not only with avoiding employee-filed lawsuits but also with avoiding violence. Obviously, employers should handle terminations with concern for the well being of the person being fired and for the safety of those who remain employed.

Domestic disputes can also spill over into the workplace, accounting for some percentage of all workplace violence incidents, A 15 survey ranked domestic violence high on a list of security concerns and % of those surveyed stated that domestic violence is increasing as a corporate issue. For employees being stalked, the workplace is the one location where the victims can be found. An employee can easily change their phone number or address, but it's not as easy to switch jobs. Such is the case with Francescia La Rose, and employee of State Mutual Life Insurance. While at work in her Houston office, her ex-boyfriend entered the reception area where La Rose worked and shot her in her head.

While these incidents have grave affects on victims and other employees, the company or organization also suffers terribly. It is estimated that violent crime in the workplace caused some 500,000 employees to miss 1,751,000 days of work annually, or an average of .5 days per incident. This missed work equated to approximately $55,000,000. Also, the company or organization may suffer due to lawsuits filed against the company. In one case, an Amtrak employee shot and seriously wounded his supervisor. The action, Smith vs. Amtrak (187) was brought because of Amtrak's alleged failure to discipline the employee for previous actions that indicated violent tendencies. Because the employee had attacked other employees, the court ruled the verdict was foreseeable and held Amtrak responsible for negligent retention, awarding the supervisor $.5 million from Amtrak. Another landmark case in which negligent hiring was the main factor came in 17 with a $750,000 award against Avis Rent-A-Car. Avis management failed to check the application of a man before hiring him. The employee subsequently raped a co-worker. Had Avis checked the employee's background, it would have discovered that during the time the applicant listed as being in high school and college, he was actually serving a three-year sentence in prison on a robbery conviction.

No company can completely prevent or eliminate workplace violence, but with proper planning and effective programs, the chance of such violent occurrences can be dramatically reduced. As in the case with domestic violence, because the courts consistently have held employers liable for protecting employees from know hazards and for the peace and efficiency of the workplace, employers should enact special security measures when their employees bring problems to their attention. There are also ways in which to prevent workplace violence during terminations. One way is for management to carefully recruit new employees and train and manage them well. Managers should repeatedly evaluate themselves in terms of helping the employee grow and change. Another way is to warn workers that they could possibly be terminated. Warn them of their unsatisfactory work and tell them what needs to be done to improve. Also, never layoff workers unexpectedly and with no warning or workers who have had good appraisals. Doing so hits the employee hard and causes anger. Another good tip is to remember to allow the employee's esteem to stay high. Don't attack them or put them down, and explain your decision, acknowledging their strengths. And last of all never write ex-employees bad references. Never try to ruin their chances with another career by stating how poorly they performed. Try to find something positive to say and give a balanced opinion of the individual. Prevention programs are excellent ways of dealing with workplace violence also. An effective workplace violence prevention program includes physical security, pre-employment screening, good termination practices, employee assistance programs, and a host of other options.

Although the epidemic of workplace violence is continuing to grow at alarming rates in the country and affecting the lives of many people, supervisors, managers and employees must remember to take in consideration how our actions will affect others.

Please note that this sample paper on Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Ethical Analysis of Workplace Violence will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, May 31, 2021

The Myth of Consumerism

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Myth of Consumerism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Myth of Consumerism paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Myth of Consumerism, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Myth of Consumerism paper at affordable prices!

Every society has mythology. In some societies, its religion. Our religion is consumerism.

In a capitalist society, the goal is to make money, by whatever means possible, exploiting whichever potential weakness that might exist. The human race is one with a wild imagination, and this wild imagination, though a great strength, can, like all great strengths, serve as a potential weakness.

It is our imaginations that advertising exploits, and it is our imaginations that religion and myth traditionally played the role of satiating, telling stories that have morals to them, lessons to be learned. Now consumerism fulfills this role. The consumer ideology serves as the golden rule, advertising serves as sermons, products serve as our idoltry, and just as religion instills faith at an early age, so too does consumerism.

Ellen Weis (qtd. in Advertising Characters 17) speaks from the perspective of one who is an authority on mythology. Her analogy between religion and consumerism is an accurate one. Undoubtedly, shes referring to this role that consumerism is playing in stimulating our imaginations. It does this by telling us a story, with us playing the lead role, painting a picture of life as being better with the products being sold to us. Our imaginations are carried away by these stories. We want to believe them because they make sense of the world. We want to believe that all it takes to be happy is a trip to the store. This making sense of the world and simplifying to such a triviality is exactly the reason why myths are created. Help with essay on The Myth of Consumerism

For example, nearly every cigerette ad features a picture of an ideal person smoking their brand, ideal at least by the standards of most people who long to be accepted. For women, the smoker typically has long blonde hair, a beautiful smile, and perfect, white teeth. The ads that best demonstrates this are those for Virginia Slims. For men you have Marlboro with the infamous Marlboro man, who is a rugged, handsome loner out in the countryside with his horse and campfire. The ads seem to say, this could be you. All it takes is a trip to the store and a couple of bucks for a pack.

Like all myths, the stories these ads tell have a moral to them. The lesson they teach is your life can be better with these products or, put another way, you can be a better person with these products. This is the consumer ideology and, just like every religion has some golden rule that pervades all of its lessons, consumerism too has its own golden rule, the consumer ideology. All of its lessons seem to be based upon this underlying assumption that more is better, that we need the things were being sold, and that somehow buying them will make us happier and better people.

Of course the medium for these lessons are the ads themselves. Advertising nearly always has some emotional appeal to them. Instead of catering to our intellect and giving us rational reasons why we should consume the products they flaunt, rather they cater to our emotions. What better way to stimulate our imaginations? This is almost directly analogous to the emotional appeal traditionally found in sermons. Especially before our society has become so secular and scientific, sermons were heavily driven by emotion.

One heavy emotion that were susceptible to is fear. Fear tactics are used in advertising just as they are in sermons. For example, the Dial soap ads use the slogan, arent you glad you use Dial? Dont you wish everyone did? This slogan seems to assume that the consumer already uses their product which cant possibly be the case because if it were, why would they need to advertise? Thus they seem to be implying that if you arent using Dial, youd sure better redeem yourself quickly before they find out! Similar fear tactics are also used in religious sermons. One extreme example of such sermons are those presented by Jonathan Edwards (170-1758), like Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, in which he says, for example, that sinners deserve to be cast into hell; so that divine justice never stands in the way, it makes no objection against Gods using his power at any moment to destroy them. Whereas the Dial ads try to subtly hint that youll become one of those people cast from society if you dont redeem yourself, the sermons tend to blatantly tell you that youll become one of those people cast from Gods Kingdom if you dont redeem yourself. One is subtle and the other blatant, but both are effective in swaying their audience.

Just as advertising and sermons both appeal to the emotion of fear, they both also appeal to the emotion of hope. This can be seen in many of the Chevron commercials a few years ago. These ads are almost indistinguishable from religious sermons. They show deeds of great philanthropy and conclude, do people really care this much? People do. They ensure us that there is still hope, that things arent as bad as they seem, although they also seem to imply that theyre somehow partly the cause of it all. Why else would they show the ads? You could almost take such an ad, remove the name Chevron, and call it a sermon on the Good Samaritan. Indeed, the Good Samaritan was a God-fearing person, and the implication is that thats somehow the cause of his good deeds.

Such reassurance almost takes the place of people actually being Good Samaritans themselves. While they themselves seem less than perfect, they can always look to this image of kindness and project onto it their fears of their race being a total abomination of God and be reassured by it. Such projection onto material objects seems almost a religious necessity. Since they cannot have the actual Buddha or the actual Christ, for example, sitting in front of them, they instead meditate or pray to a sacred idol which represents their savior. This sort of idoltry is exactly what consumerism offers. People seek happiness, acceptance, nobility, and love, and since these attributes seem so hard to come by in America, they instead substitute for them the products that represent them, which seem much easier to come by. In fact, they require nothing more than a trip to the market.

Our imaginations are so susceptible to such idoltry that it can be taken to levels of outright absurdity and still be effective. A recent ad for the PalmPilot, which is nothing more than a handheld computer, featured a completely naked woman holding one in such a way as to cover the bare essentials. We cant have the naked woman, but we can have the PalmPilot. Although we seek love and sex, these are harder to obtain, so we settle for a handheld computer thats been visually associated with these desires yet have nothing to do with them.

There are hundreds of stimuli which elicit reactions that are induced by advertising. From before we can speak, we experience constant, repeated, product-oriented stimulation coming in from all five senses. Many companies base their entire existence on the temptation of children. Some of the first words many children speak are from advertising jingles. Its no wonder that were all obsessed with consumerism. Its almost surprising that anyone is capable of breaking this trance. Often, religion is seen as being this way. Although most religions do similarly instill their faith at a young age, the exposure to it isnt nearly as constant and repeated, its message not so tempting. The effect is greatly underestimated and, for the most part, mysterious, because were all caught in its spell.

All of the toy companies and most of the fast food restraunts have multi-million dollar campaigns aimed at children. Its not even children that do the purchasing, its the parents, and these companies are cashing in on the parents love for their children, as well as the susceptable minds of the children. Religion, too, aims a lot of its teachings at children. Almost every church has a Sunday school oriented toward convincing the susceptable children. There are plenty of animated Bible story books available to teach children in a way that they can understand.

The perfect marriage between consumerism and religion can be found in the myth of Santa Claus. As if the celebration of the birth of Christ wasnt quite enough, a new character had to be born, one specifically oriented toward children, one that is more expendible and mysterious. This is religion for children, replacing toys for Heaven, Santa Claus for God, reindeer for angels, and a naughty and nice list for punishing sin. Its difficult to sell Heaven to children because they live much more in the present than do adults, but toys they want, and toys provide instant gratification they can see the results of their behavior on Christmas morning. But most of all, the increased need for toys to supply for this myth provides a tenfold increase in profits. The effect doesnt stop there but trickles down into the economy for the entire lives of those children, for once a child learns the love for toys, they will always love toys, more expensive and exotic though they may be. Whereas a child might have miniature-sized cars for toys, when they get older they have full-sized cars for toys. If consumerism is our religion, then Christmas would be our religious holiday, now representing both our worship for products as well as our worship of Christ.

It seems consumerism shares with religion many more of the bad characteristics than the good. Like the example above shows, consumerism takes advantage of innocent minds much more than religion does. Also, religion serves many good purposes, such as teaching charity and love, whereas consumerism tends to only teach greed and fear. Even Good Samaritan ads, like in the Chevron example, are tainted with the greedy intentions of the company. Finally, although religion does tend to portray sex as taboo, consumerism tends to cash in on this attitude by portraying it as something scary, as in the PalmPilot example; the ads seem to act like the only way to get sex is by buying their products. While some religions and cults have bad effects on peoples minds, consumerism seems to have worse effects. Still, they both share all of their main characteristics morals, stories, idoltry, and faith, but consumerism seems to be coming out ahead in the race for the minds of Americans. Ellen Weis seems correct in calling consumerism our religion.

Please note that this sample paper on The Myth of Consumerism is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Myth of Consumerism, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on The Myth of Consumerism will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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